Latest Past Events

PeoplesLab: Tools of Engagement – Free Orientation (April 25, 2024)

BRDGES Academy is pleased to provide PeoplesLab: Tools of Engagement. This unique 20-hour certification is taught in eight 2.5 hours sessions weekly. Join a FREE Session on April 25, 2024. Learn how this unique certification is designed to transform participants emotionally, physically and socially, both internally within the individual and interpersonally between people.  Uniquely, it […]

The Magic in Mediation: From Revenge to Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation – Session 2 (April 17, 2024)

In this new three-hour course by Dr. Ken Cloke, you will recognize that every conflict, no matter how trivial, points us toward a crossroads in our lives. One road leads toward anger, fear, confrontation, bitterness, and revenge, and draws us into quarrels over the past.  A second leads us toward empathy, acceptance, honesty, collaboration, and […]

The Magic in Mediation: From Revenge to Apology, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation – Session 1 (April 16, 2024)

In this new three-hour course by Dr. Ken Cloke, you will recognize that every conflict, no matter how trivial, points us toward a crossroads in our lives. One road leads toward anger, fear, confrontation, bitterness, and revenge, and draws us into quarrels over the past.  A second leads us toward empathy, acceptance, honesty, collaboration, and […]