BRDGES Intercultural Certificate
About this certificate:
This unique Certificate adds invaluable inter-cultural dimensions to your work. BRDGES focuses on learning through active role-plays and simulations. You will interact on-line and in real time with classmates from other regions and parts of the world. You network with classmates from other cultures and cultural perspectives. You and your global classmates will participate from the comfort of your own home or office. This 20-hour certificate requires you to complete the five (5) modules listed below. Enhance your skill to resolve multi-cultured disputes!
Intercultural Certificate Modules
Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Quality for Dispute Resolution
This online and in-real-time course instructs mediators, attorneys, psychologists, social workers, human resource personnel and all other conflict resolution professionals working in environments having multi-cultured dimensions. Self-awareness, self-reflection and self-regulation, particularly in intercultural contexts, are critical to the effectiveness of professionals working in conflict resolution. In this global classroom, participants will explore these skills through the lens of emotional intelligence and, through the automatic nature of our thought processes and behaviors. Through interactive learning, class participants generally will explore their own emotional intelligence and the implications to their professional activities.

Kathy Komaroff Goodman is an experienced mediator with a deep interest in the role that emotional and cultural intelligence plays in a mediator’s ability to address the underlying needs of the parties in working toward durable solutions. She is also an experienced conflict coach, working one-on-one with individuals. She has developed and delivered training in emotional intelligence to mediators at the New York Peace Institute. She also has co-developed and delivered the workshop “Mediation and the Mediator” to graduate students at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Kathy is certified to administer the Emotional Intelligence Assessment (EQ-i 2.0) and the Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI) to individuals and groups. Kathy is a founding Principal at ACCORD, a collaborative of conflict management and resolution specialists serving individuals and businesses. She is a graduate of the Masters of Science program in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University.

Christine Straw is a community mediator and facilitator with interests in the dynamics needed to move toward sustainable and satisfying solutions for all parties. She is certified to administer the Emotional Intelligence Assessment (EQ-i 2.0) and has been trained in conflict coaching. Chris is a founding Principal at ACCORD, a collaborative of conflict management and resolution specialists serving individuals and businesses. She is a graduate of the Masters of Science program in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University and holds an MBA.
Cultural Dimensions in Multi-Cultured Dispute Resolution
This intercultural course is designed to advance, promote and support professionals in negotiation, facilitation, dialogue, mediation, and, litigation, among others, who are working in increasingly diverse and multi-cultured environments. In this online and in-real time, interactive course, participants will be introduced to Intercultural Theories and Models which give an overview of how to avoid stereotyping and misinterpretations when setting up and participating in conflict resolution practices. Course attendees from all over the world will better comprehend culture as a tool to understand and foresee patterns of cultural behaviors in order to help people from different cultures communicate optimally with one another.

Ms. Caser holds a European Master’s Degree in Mediation. She has been working as a trainer and coach in the EU. Ursula specializes in intercultural dimensions and communications. She has been leading intercultural awareness coaching programs in institutional, organizational and individual training sessions for the last many years. www.uc-mediation.eu
Intercultural Communications in Conflict Resolution
Understanding Intercultural communications enhances the ability to avoid language barriers and to work in conflict resolution across cultures, an ability increasingly important in a shrinking world. Negotiators, mediators, litigators, human resource managers, social workers, coaches and counselors, among others, can explore and expand their perceptions and practices by interactively processing how to adjust their own communication styles to the preferred styles of participants from other cultures. Global classmates, in real-time, will learn how communications are affected by cultural differences such as gender, age, class and race and, how other variables of attitudes and behaviors impact conflict-resolution communications. The overall goal of this introductory course is to facilitate multi-cultured communications optimally through active, experiential learning.

Ms. Cole is a former President and Chair of the Board Mediators Beyond Borders International and has been a force for mediation over the past several decades. In 1990 as Chair of the Civil Justice Reform Act Commission, she recommended to the Federal Judges in the Middle District of Florida use of mediation in their civil case management process. They accepted and became the first Federal District to do so. During that same time, she worked with the (now called) Florida Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Center to set up the first state court related mediation program in the United States. She is a Mediation Specialist who has worked and lived in developing rule-of-law countries, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kosovo, and Sri Lanka. She is a full-time domestic and international mediator and mediation trainer who is Harvard-trained and mediation certified by the Florida Supreme Court and, internationally, by the International Mediation Institute (“IMI”) in The Hague. LynnCole.com
(P)Reflection: Invaluable Benefits of Preparation
As a conflict resolution professional, wherever you are in the world, global experience demonstrates that at least 80% of the work in successful conflict resolution happens before participants even walk into their first meeting together. This online and in-real-time, practical course focuses on the benefits of preparation to both the parties and the professional leading the negotiation, facilitation, mediation, human resource or legal meetings, dialogue, coaching or counseling conflict-resolution sessions. This course delineates step-by-step how skillfully to prepare for dispute resolution environments through the use of interactive exercises. Global participants will learn how to assist multi-cultured parties to clarify their purpose, to reflect on what is most important to them and, how they can bring themselves constructively into the room.

Claudia Caluori is qualified lawyer and mediator who is IMI certified. She has practiced law at the international level since 2010, focusing on international business development and trade. She has assisted companies in Europe and the Middle East in forming partnerships. From Lebanon, she currently lives in Italy and dedicated to the management and resolution of conflicts. She was trained as a mediator in Italy, France, and Lebanon. She has served as a mediator in over 500 hearings involving either Business to Business (“B2B”), Business to Consumers (“B2C”)and telecommunication disputes. She is also a Rotary Peace Fellow Alumna of the Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand (class 27, 2019). Claudia is fluent in three languages, Italian, English, and French.
Mediating a Cross-Border Role-Play
Each student/candidate shall play the role of a mediator in a 2-hour Independently-assessed role-play. Each role-play will be an international, multi-cultured, commercial role-play approved by the USCIB. The mediator will conduct a Self-Assessment. At least one or more Assessors shall observe and complete evaluations on the Mediator’s role. Participating student/candidate peers playing the role of a party in the mediation shall also complete an evaluation of the mediator’s role. In the final hour of the module, each student/candidate shall meet with an Assessor to discuss and integrate all of the evaluations as Lessons Learned.

Ms. Cole is a former President and Chair of the Board Mediators Beyond Borders International and has been a force for mediation over the past several decades. In 1990 as Chair of the Civil Justice Reform Act Commission, she recommended to the Federal Judges in the Middle District of Florida use of mediation in their civil case management process. They accepted and became the first Federal District to do so. During that same time, she worked with the (now called) Florida Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Center to set up the first state court related mediation program in the United States. She is a Mediation Specialist who has worked and lived in developing rule-of-law countries, Bulgaria, Jordan, Kosovo, and Sri Lanka. She is a full-time domestic and international mediator and mediation trainer who is Harvard-trained and mediation certified by the Florida Supreme Court and, internationally, by the International Mediation Institute (“IMI”) in The Hague. LynnCole.com
Who can take these courses?
Any person who is currently a mediator, or who wants to become more effective in resolving conflicts or disputes and in building peaceful resolutions. Also includes all mediation advocates (attorneys, judges, paralegals and others involved in the mediation process).
What is the Cost of this Certification?
$1,299.00. If you are looking for a group discount or are experiencing financial hardship, contact us here