Our faculty emphasizes rigorous, academic research combined with relevant best practices
Our BRDGES Certificates help conflict-resolution professionals master the dynamics of working in multi-cultured environments. You learn new skills and build expertise to expand your professional profile and advance your career. All of our courses are virtual, online and experiential, sharing insights with internationally diverse classmates.
BRDGES Intercultural Certificate
We are increasingly communicating inter-culturally in critically-important aspects of our lives. For conflict resolution practitioners (mediators, attorneys, arbitrators, psychologists, human resource personnel and many others), this professional Certificate adds invaluable inter-cultural dimensions to your skill-set. To obtain this 20- hour certificate requires completion of four (4) out of five (5) required courses and participating in and evaluation of your role in a multi-cultured simulation.
Intercultural IMI Certificate
BRDGES Academy is now is one of only four organizations in the world certified by the International Mediation Association (“IMI”) to qualify applicants for its prestigious IMI Inter-cultural Certification!
The IMI Mediator Certification
The International Mediation Institute (“IMI”) – a world-recognized not-for-profit public interest initiative to drive transparency and high competency standards in mediation practice across fields – is the only organization in the world to transcend local jurisdictions to develop global, professional standards for experienced mediators, advocates and others involved in collaborative dispute resolution and negotiation processes.
People's Lab Certification
BRDGES Academy is pleased to provide Peoples Lab: Tools of Engagement. This unique 20-hour certification is taught in eight 2.5 hours sessions weekly. It is designed to transform participants emotionally, physically and socially, both internally within the individual and interpersonally between people. The skills learned are designed to transform participants emotionally, physically and socially, thus generating expressions and actions to recognize and negotiate our differences.